I have the memory of a goldfish

As you have read this week I am really crap with remembering anything, so I am amazed when people can remember dates, times and names. I have never been great at remembering stuff, so I am a little less worried that it is totally age related, but I literally can’t remember most things I have done. Is this normal? I couldn’t remember where I went on holiday 1 year ago and I was looking at the photographs! How is that possible? I mean I sometimes go upstairs to do something and then come back down; either because I have forgotten why I went in the first place, or I come down with something I don’t need.

I am terrified that this memory failure will get worse. I mean I go to the shops and don’t want to take a list, because I think I can wing it and then come back with the most random selection of stuff.  I can understand this to some degree, because I am often so distracted by other people’s shopping I am in a world of my own. Please tell me I am not the only one that monitors other people’s trolleys and baskets and then makes up stories about their lives? Please, anyone? The other day I was so intrigued by a woman’s shopping of 8 cake bars and 3 cans of beer I didn’t realise that my stuff was whizzing through the Lidl checkout. I mean those cashiers make packing a bag an extreme sport. I do have a trick throw on some random items of fruit and veg that need to be weighed, that slows the buggers down. So yeah what made the woman’s shopping more intriguing was that it was early, so I was thinking is she an alcoholic, with a sweet tooth. Is she feeding someone else’s alcohol habit. Is she really quite boring and that is her week of treats. So see no the wonder my memory is crap under those circumstances, but for the rest of my time I really have no excuse.

I have charred a hole in a chest of drawers, leaving my straighteners on. My mam had to change the locks when I left the keys in the outside of the front door and they were nicked, (possibly more alcohol related). I had to get 2 friends to help me break into my house when I left my keys in the inside of the door, when I went off to work. This is just a few of the times I can remember being useless and forgetful (the irony). Am I destined to not remember my name, or am I normal? I might never know.  I am off to go and have a bath, if I can remember what I went upstairs for once I am there!


  1. You're not the only one. Im good at dates and geography (i can always find my way back because i remember the route and the landmarks), but names are impossible. I cant even remember my bf phone nr (after bring together for 11 years). And just like you I forgot my age. The worst was that they used it as a control question at an exam. I knew i just had had the big 30, but was i 31 or 32? And if the exam was in august and my birthday was in November what would the correct answer be. And at the same time I was trying to remember everything for the exam. The result was that i answered wrong, but i got in anyway (but i was so embarrassed).

    1. You are so not alone, don't be embarrassed. We seem to be very similar, which is nice to know. I literally sometimes forget what I am talking about half way through a sentence. Thank you so much for taking the time to post a comment and for reading my post. It means so much to me.

  2. Every since I got pregnant with my son, my memory is completely shot. I swear its just gone!

    1. Not sure what my excuse is, think it is just my age! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.


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