When life gives you snow, make a snowman!

I am loving
the fact that it actually feels like Christmas is coming, because of the snow
we have had the past couple of days, but I do hate snow. Why do I hate snow? It
is cold, sends the country into a standstill and I am so useless that I am
normally he first person to fall flat on my arse! I do attempt to walk
“normally” like everyone advises. Somehow though my legs just tense up on their
own and I am left uselessly walking like a demented penguin and slip-sliding my
way through the day. The amount of times I have managed to go arse over tit is
so many I can’t even count them and to be honest I am pretty clumsy without the
added danger factor of the snow.
I love how
snow makes you feel Christmassy and gets you ready for the festive season. I am
counting down to going home for the first time in months, which means I am mega
excited. I really can’t wait to see everyone and for all of the things that
Christmas brings. Christmas presents, the food, the drinks and the warm fuzzy
feeling it gives me. It feels like the ultimate holiday, where you are
“allowed” to do nothing, be lazy and switch off completely from everything. I
don’t have my phone on throughout Christmas day, I don’t check social media, I
just enjoy the moment and love it. I think this is something I have recently
started to do in my everyday life too. This comes from a feeling that life is
too short to be attached to a screen, you just have to enjoy it.
I love all
of the traditions and rituals that we all seem to have around Christmas too.
Christmas crackers, paper hats and crap jokes before prawn cocktail, then
turkey and all the trimmings. Pass me the stuffing and the pigs in blankets,
like now! Get in my belly. Don’t even start on the fact that breakfast is
always bucks fizz and it is all good, it is Christmas after all! Then pigging
out on the sofa with some wine, before the huge cheeseboard, cold meats, picky
bits and even more wine and port. It is like my face is a vacuum for food and I
will not care, not at all, I will enjoy each and every bite, savour each and
every drink, because it’s Christmas. I will keep looking at my presents and
loving the fact I have new things and appreciating the thought behind each one.
I will love the fact that I am with my family and even the fella ha. The fact I
can wear my Christmas jumper with pride and feel dressed up while at home, even
though I am being a slob.
When the
day is over and done, me and the fella will head off to the bnb and watch more
Christmas specials on TV, well I will he will sleep I am sure. But the adrenaline
and excitement will keep me going well into the early hours, with the hope that
I can stretch the day out as long as possible. I am so excited now just
thinking about it. What are your Christmas traditions?
It's funny how before Christmas, loads of people get really excited about the snow. But if it snows in Jan or Feb, as it did briefly this week, people just want spring to come!
ReplyDeleteHa ha very true, I am not keen on snow at any time of year to be honest... Bring on the sun!